Kailash Yatra by Private Operators

Kailash Yatra by Private Operators

There are several routes that Hindu pilgrims can use to reach Mount Kailash depending on their preference and budget. The Nepal route is highly recommended for many reasons for its relatively less risky nature.

  • It is easy to do it when compared to the route recommended by Government of India. A major part of the journey is done using some form of transport, which reduces the physical stress on part of the pilgrim. There is little need to walk except if the pilgrim wants to do the ‘parikrama’ on foot. And those who cannot walk can hire pony available at Yamdwar. Sometimes the guide asks some old or sick pilgrims not to go for Parikrama due to less oxygen at Dolma-La pass.
  • The time period taken for the expedition is visibly shortened in the Nepal route. If you choose the Helicopter option from Lucknow, the expedition will take between 5 and 11 days. If you choose the Overland option from Kathmandu, the expedition is going to take about 14 days.
  • While the GOI route is for travelers between the ages of 18 and 70, anyone between the ages of 10 and 70 can avail of the Nepal route as long as they have a valid Visa and passport. This is because the Nepal route is much less arduous in nature and does not involve too much trekking. This makes it the route of choice for families traveling with young children.
  • The modern amenities of life can also be enjoyed if you choose the Nepal route for the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra including hot water in hotel rooms in Darchin and Purang, warm drinking water and even internet at few points.

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