Significance of Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar

Significance of Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar

The Hindu religion puts a whole lot of reverence on Lord Shiva, whom it considers to be the powerful, the strong and the willful. The Mount Kailash is a part of the Trans-Himalayan range of Tibet and owing to the high altitude and harsh climate, the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra is not an easy one to make. If you are interested in knowing the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra cost, then you will be happy to know that different price points are available to suit the demands of every pocket.

Hindus believe that Lord Shiva resides in Mount Kailash in a state of meditation. He lives there along with his divine consort, Parvati. It is considered that Kailash Mansarovar first originated in the mind of Lord Brahma, after which it came into physical being. The Lake Mansarovar is said to be a place where Lord Indra and Lord Shiva swam as swans. It is also believed that during ‘Brahma Muhurta’ or the period of time just before dawn all the gods come to Lake Mansarovar for bathing. This is a time period which is considered extremely auspicious in Hindu tradition.

If a devotee can do a ‘parikrama’ of Mount Kailash and take a dip in the holy waters of Lake Mansarovar, it is believed that all the sins he committed in his past 100 lives will be absolved and he will be a new man.

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