Old Age People are now allowed for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2020

Old Age People are now allowed for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra 2020

You need to fulfill following requirements

1. Regulation for Pilgrims over 70 Years Old

2. Pilgrims over 70 years old: Subject to the age on passport. Pilgrims aged 70 or above in the year of pilgrimage are subject to this regulation.

3. The following documents should be submitted for these pilgrims:

(1) Health examination report within 6 months by India public hospital above the county level. Content of the report should include doctor's judgment and suggestion whether the pilgrim's physical condition is suitable for the plateau areas (4000 meters or 13,000 feet above sea level).

(2) Application by the pilgrim to express the intention for pilgrimage in T.A.R.; the application should be signed and fingerprinted by the pilgrim and two direct relatives. Party A will judge whether to allow the pilgrim entry T.A.R. according to these documents. Pilgrims suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma and other diseases which are not suitable for entering plateau areas cannot apply the permit.

4. Accompany requirement: at least two direct relatives required.

5. Party B shall offer guarantees to pilgrims over 70 years old. If the pilgrim died not for reasons of Party A, Party B should pay USD 1000/ pilgrim as liquidated damage.

6. Health examination before parikrama: Local medical center of Party A will make health examination on pilgrims over 70 years old and give a proposal whether they are suitable for parikrama. If doctor's proposal is "not suitable for parikrama", this pilgrim needs to stop the trip.

7. Rights and Obligations of Party A

8. Provide pilgrimage route and services specified in the contract.

9. Party A has the right to supervise and manage Party B's group organization.

10. Arrange Chinese visa authority in time to Chinese Embassy in India and Nepal as well as other relevant documents for pilgrims and staffs.

11.Guarantee accommodation services for Party B's pilgrims. All the pilgrims should obey deployment and arrangement of Party A on accommodation.

12.Provide Yak service to Party B's pilgrims during parikrama.

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